Friday, April 13, 2012

Let's have a little chat about professionalism.

If you are a fan of the band formerly known as 100 Monkeys, than you by now know a little bit about what is currently going on with them. 2 members have left; one sounding a little more permanent than the other and there is a name change happening. Or possibly happening depending on how the legal matter works out.

But that's not really what I want to address here. (And trust me, I know my opinion on this might not be popular one, and I'm ok with that.) What I want to address is the lack of professionalism shown by those affiliated with the band, in light of the current situation.  I understand that there may be hard feelings between band members past & present and management but that doesn't mean you act like children. You are all adults and should know how to handle yourself when it comes to these kind of things. IT'S YOUR JOB FOR PETE SAKE! To me, it's a no brainer that a statement needs to be made to stop any confusion there may be down the road, BUT there is a tactful way to go about it. Maybe try "due to legal matters beyond our control, the band will no longer go by the name 100 Monkeys" Not "We can't use this name anymore because of Jackson Rathbone & his lawyers" (and I'm loosely quoting that, because the site is "temporarily unavailable") It just boggles my mind that people don't have any common sense these days. And I know this post sounds like I'm bashing their manager, but that is honestly not my intention. It just psychically pains me to sit here and see this happen to a band that I love dearly. I want nothing but the best for all of them, whether it is to get back together and continue on as a full band or to all go their separate ways and move on as individuals. But this childish catty behavior makes me want to vom everywhere. 

They always say there are 3 sides to every story; yours, mine & the truth. I just wish people would remember that before they go making hurtful derogatory comments about members, or just human beings in general. Don't just jump & attack someone because you have one side of the story.

I'll step off my soapbox now, just had to get that off my chest.


  1. Well stated. I don't know of this band but you said your piece quite eloquently. :)

  2. Thanks, they were a really great entertaining band, they just let egos get in the way and fell apart :(
