Friday, April 13, 2012

You Obviously Love Oreos.

So I was going through my Facebook feed yesterday, like I do at lunch every day and I came a cross a rant post from my cousin about how people overuse the phrase YOLO. 

Here's what she said: "Okay, STOP using YOLO for everything you say on facenook/twitter. Skydiving, swimming with great white sharks or going on tour with Lil Wayne are all perfectly acceptable times to say YOLO. Getting white girl wasted, smokin' a bleezy with your friends or getting a tattoo, UNACCEPTABLE. Just like the radio ruins good songs by overplaying them, you ruin the word YOLO and everything it stands for. Thanks."

And here's how I've determined I'm old. My Response "I don't even know what YOLO means.."

I am apparently to old to keep up with the slang these kids use today (another reason I'm old... I just refereed to them as "these kids") The first response I saw said it meant "You Obviously Love Oreos" and I sat back trying to figure out what that was code for, and WHY IN THE HECK it was so popular. Turns out it really means You Only Live Once. Makes waaaaaay more sense!

A third way to show I'm old, I no longer use abbreviations like TTYL or U & R. I actually spell the words out. Thanks Willow for that! haha I do however still use IDK, LOL & OMG... When the situation warrens it.

So to re-cap... I am old and YOLO does not mean You Obviously Love Oreos. Good Day.


  1. I didn't know what it meant either... thanks for the clarity. BTW (that means by the way) I'm waaaay older than you (considering I used to babysit you and your sisters), so you can't be that old! :)

  2. I'm a whole 26 years of age, and I already can't keep up with the new slang

  3. OMG I just read this, I'm slack.
    You're welcome! *runs off laughing like crazy*
