Thursday, April 19, 2012

A little Something I've Noticed Lately...

I often find that I adopt the way other people talk; accents, lingo, etc. It's not something I do purposefully or because I want to be this other person. It just happens. You could say I'm sort of a chameleon in that regard. It's really the weirdest thing. For instance, when my cousin Craig comes up from Tennessee, I find myself going home with a little twang in my voice. When I watch Jenna Marbles videos for a long time, I get that high pitched tone she uses at the end. I have to stop and remember that's not really how I talk. 

I've been looking at some of my texts, blog posts and just little random notes that I write myself sometimes & I noticed something in them. I've noticed that I am starting to use lingo from Lauren Brimley's blog (found at busybeelauren.comIf you hang out with me, you know I'm not much of a swearer. It just really isn't me. Don't get me wrong, sometimes I just get mad and let it fly, but it's not an all the time deal. What made it all come to my mind was yesterday, while driving, someone made me mad and I said (to myself, haha) that they needed to be salmon slapped. Only person I've ever heard say that, BBL. I've also adopted awesomespice & lamespice, bomb-diggity-bomb-dot-com, Obiv, and I notice I am saying stuffs legit a lot more. 

Adopting Lauren's lingo is actually a good thing for me, because it gives me alternatives for swears, which I love! If I could live the rest of my life without another swear, I'd be perfectly happy! I just think there are better choices of words you can use. 

This is Lauren & her awesome husband Ted. (Go read her blog, you'll soon understand his awesomeness.) I hope she doesn't mind I borrowed the pic, but for real, how can I tell you about her and NOT show you who she is??? I. Can't!

She's to legit to quit, so seriously go read her blog. She brings the funny & she's prego, so we get to share that with her. She's so cool, you'd think she was your real life friend. I know I do! haha So congrats to Lauren & Ted. Thanks for the good swear alternatives! Now do me a solid & check out her blog. :)


  1. Seriously Jess, I do the same thing. I've also noticed, since being back here, that I rub off on people too, with my country twang. You haven't lived until you've heard California native speak Kentucky hick-twang. LOL
    Love Lauren BTDubs. You introduced me to her ages ago, definitely someone that everyone should get to know!

  2. It really is the weirdest thing! But it happens all the time to me.
