Monday, June 18, 2012

The Adventures of Lego Man!

I have been going through my pictures and I found a bunch I had meant to post last October after the 2011 Spencer Bell Legacy Show. Friday night myself, my cousin Sam, Michelle & Steph had some fun with the Lego Man Steph had in her purse. He was a boxer, and had a double sided face. One side was happy smiley & the other was a punched in the eye with a bruise sad guy. Pretty fun. We had a great time with him.

Without further delay, here is The Adventures Of Lego Man!

He showed up to the bar beat up.

Then we had some drinks

Then he decided Michelle's lip was a good place to sit.

She disagreed, and tried to snort him.

He ordered more cocktails.

Ate some chips so he wouldn't be sick.

Tried to steal this cake, but we told him NO!

Had MORE drinks

Passed out

Got sick

Drunk dialed his ex-girlfriend

Pole danced.

Tried to snort some pixie stick. 

But he couldn't reach it so he asked Steph for a dollar bill.

Pixie Stick diving challenge.

Pixie stick surfing.

Put on his feather boa to dance some more. 

Ate the pixie stick

Watched Double Scale perform.

Washed his hands...

...With soap.

Hid in the flowers from his ex-girlfriend, who he drunk dialed and invited to the bar. OOPS.

I think we all know what he's doing here...

Creepin on me... Rude.

Snuck into the women's restroom.

Signed the tye dye mural.





Checked Michelle's teeth for cavities.

And was finally cornered by his monkey lovin' ex. Man was he in some big trouble!!

Haha, well there you have it folks. The Adventures Of Lego Man. Maybe next time we can continue our adventure!

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